Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I get in contact with Warm Up America!?
A. Please email us at This is the only method to get in contact with us.
Q. What kind of yarn should I use?
A. Yarn must be machine washable and dryable. You can use any thickness yarn or size needle and hook, however, most donations we receive are crocheted or knitted with medium-weight (on the yarn label).
Q. Do you accept sections as well as completed blankets? How many sections can I send?
A. Yes, we accept 7” by 9” sections and completed blankets. Blankets must be made of yarn and must be finished with all ends woven in. We do not accept quilts or fleece blankets. You can send in one section or 1,000 sections! There is no minimum or maximum.
Q. Is there a form that I should include with donations I send to the WUA! office?
A. We have created a donation form that we encourage you to include in packages you send to our office. This form helps our volunteers process your donations more quickly and efficiently. Please click this link to view and print the form. If you do not have access to a printer, we encourage you to write this information on a piece of paper and include it with your donations! Please print legibly.
Q. If I want to make an entire blanket to donate to Warm Up America!, do I have to make individual sections and sew them together?
A. No, if you would like to make an entire blanket, it can be any pattern or size appropriate for a baby, child/teen or adult. We also accept lap blankets for seniors and patients. (See sizing chart on our Current Needs page.)
Q. Why are the pieces for the blankets 7" by 9" and not square?
A. Evie Rosen, the woman who started Warm Up America!, came up with the original template. Her reasoning was that you could combine 7" by 9" sections in a variety of ways to create different sized blankets and throws. We have a handy chart on our Current Needs page, which explains how the 7” by 9” sections can be easily assembled into varying sized blankets.
Q. Do the 7" by 9" sections have to be the same color?
A. No, you can use any color or pattern to complete the sections.
Q. Do I need to weave in the ends on my 7" by 9" sections?
A. Yes, we ask that you weave in the ends on your sections before sending them to us.
Q. Do the blanket sections have to be EXACTLY 7" by 9"?
A. Generally, the answer is yes. We certainly understand there will be slight differences in tension, and it's okay if sections are a little off, but if we do not have uniformity of size, it’s extremely difficult to assemble sections into finished blankets. The exception to this rule is if you have enough sections of a specific size other than 7” by 9”, which could easily be joined into a blanket; e.g., enough granny squares to make a blanket.
Q. Will WUA! accept other items besides sections and blankets?
A. Yes, we will accept any knitted or crocheted items that will keep a person warm, including adult and child hats, mittens, scarves, gloves, shawls, baby clothing and baby hats (newborn to 12-month size hats preferred), accessories, etc. Please note that all items MUST be made of yarn and must be finished with the ends woven in.
Q. Is there a deadline to send in sections/blankets?
A. Warm Up America! is an ongoing, year-round charity, so we generally do not have deadlines. The only exceptions are when we engage in specific campaigns, which have deadlines for submissions. Special campaigns are posted on our Current Needs page.
Q. What is the address to send items?
A. Warm Up America!
3740 N. Josey Lane, Suite 126
Carrollton, TX 75007
Q. Who receives the blankets and accessories sent to Warm Up America!?
A. The foundation receives requests for blankets and accessories from a variety of social service agencies, including homeless shelters, hospitals, youth and family services, domestic violence shelters, veterans homes, senior care centers, hospices, schools, religious organizations and other outreach organizations serving families and individuals in communities around the country. It maintains a database of these requests and fulfills them on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Q. Do you have drop off locations near me?
A. Unfortunately, Warm Up America! does not have regular drop-off locations around the country.
At this time, we are not aware of any craft chains offering drop-off locations, so all items must either be sent directly to the WUA! office or donated locally (if you donate items in your local community, please fill out this donation form to let us know what you donated so we can add it to our counts).
Q. What is a box of 500 sections?
A. Box of 500 if more than just a program, it's a journey involving many people. Volunteers all over the country knit and crochet 7"x9" sections and send them to the WUA! office. We add sections into a box until we reach 500 and then send these boxes to our volunteer joiners who join the sections into completed blankets. Joiners either donate the completed blankets in their own communities or send them back to WUA! so we can send them where they're needed most. Interested in receiving a box of 500? Email us at
Q. Can I drop off my donations at the Warm Up America! office?
A. We gladly accept donations at our office. Local donations must be dropped off between 9 am and 2 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please do not leave any donations at the door - they must be accepted and taken in by someone at the office.
Q. Do I have to send completed blankets to Warm Up America!’s office?
A. Evie Rosen always envisioned Warm Up America! as a program of neighbors helping neighbors. If there is a need in your community for blankets or other items, we always encourage you to donate locally. We’d just like you to let us know where the items have been donated so we can add it to our yearly donation count by filling out this donation form.
Q. Can I get a tax receipt for items that I donate?
A. Per our 501c3 charitable status, WUA! is not able to provide tax receipts for items donated because we are unable to put a cost for the labor incurred in making the item. We can only offer tax receipts for monetary donations.
Q. Can you help with the cost of shipping?
A. Currently, we are unable to assist with providing yarn for sections or helping with shipping costs.
Q. Do you have any patterns or videos for your 7" by 9" sections?
A. There are several crochet and knit patterns at the Warm Up America! website, but you can use any stitch pattern that you like to make the 7” by 9” sections (it’s a great way to practice a new stitch!). At this time we do not have any videos on how to make a 7" by 9" sections.
Q. How can I help?
A. There are no "formal" requirements to volunteer for Warm Up America! We accept donations of 7" by 9" knitted or crocheted sections year-round as well as completed blankets and any size hats and scarves! You can stay up to date on our current campaigns by visiting our Current Needs page or liking us on Facebook. Please note that all items donated to WUA! must be made of yarn and must be completed.
Q. Do you have a WUA! chapter in my area?
A. Because of the way our charitable foundation is organized, Warm Up America! does not have official branches or chapters. Groups involved with collecting and assembling blankets or clothing in their communities are referred to as affiliates or associates, whichever you prefer. To connect to other volunteers/groups, we encourage you to visit the Warm Up America! Facebook page or join our WUA! Makers Facebook group.
Q. What is the policy or method to obtain verification for service hours for school or matching funds programs at work?
A: We would love to help you earn service/volunteer hours with Warm Up America! Please email us a log of your service/volunteer hours with the hours and project(s) you worked on and plan to donate to WUA! to Please make sure to put "Service/Volunteer Hours" in the subject line and we will send you an email letter confirming your hours. You are welcome to mail in your items to WUA! anytime!
Q. Do you accept yarn/needle donations?
A. We appreciate yarn/needle donations, but because our office space is limited, we are not always able to accept them. If you have such a donation, please contact our office by emailing us at We’d also like to point out that we do not have the budget to pick up these type of donations so, if accepted, they must be shipped to the office.
Q. Can I/my group volunteer to sew together the blanket sections?
A. Throughout the year, Warm Up America! needs help assembling the thousands of sections we receive. If you or your group are interested in assembling a minimum of 500 sections, please email our office for guidelines.
Q. Do you accept non-knit/crochet items, i.e. sewn quilts or clothing?
A. Unfortunately, we are not equipped to accept non-crocheted or knitted items. Please do not donate quilts, fleece blankets, books, or any other items not made of yarn.
Q. How do I request WUA! pamphlets?
A. Email us at It includes lots of helpful information about the charity. Unfortunately, we are unable to mail brochures to you physically.
Q. Can I sell items sent by or on behalf of WUA! or donate the proceeds of items made by or on behalf of WUA! to another nonprofit organization or donate them to friends or family?
A. No items sent by or on behalf of WUA! , including blankets assembled using 7"by 9" sections, should be sold, auctioned, or donated to resale organizations without explicit written consent from WUA! All blankets joined using a box of 500 sections and any other items made must go to recipients with a need for warmth or an item made with love. This can be both individuals or other charitable organizations serving larger communities. Blankets cannot be distributed to family or friends as gifts.

We need your financial support to build our charity network. Help us to ship, deliver and create more warm blankets and clothing for people less fortunate than ourselves.
Volunteers can donate their time to crochet and knit one or more 7" by 9" sections, as well as entire blankets and accessories. Sections are either joined by individuals or groups in a community.
Mail items to:
3740 N Josey Ln Suite #126, Carrollton, TX 75007